The Sparks class is for children who are in
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.
Hello Sparks Parents
This page will address topics like handbook, uniforms, calendars, nightly actives, drop off and pick up, and miscellaneous expectations, among other things.
Parents – you are the most important spiritual influence in your children’s lives. You are the ones responsible for their spiritual training. As Awana leaders, we are privileged to come along side and help train your children in the way they should go. Please review this information and the information in your children’s handbooks. We are counting on your help as you invest your time in the spiritual development of your children when you work through their handbooks with them.
WHAT IS SPARKS? Sparks is a three year club for all students in kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. Our Sparkies are divided into many hand book groups. Each group of about 5-7 Sparkies is led by a handbook group leader. This leader will accompany his or her Sparkies throughout the nightly activities. He or she will be the most knowledgeable person with reference to your Sparkie’s progress through the handbooks.
TELL ME ABOUT THE HANDBOOKS: Sparkies will work through three primary handbooks during the three-year progression through this club. Sparks books are to be completed in order. Books may not be skipped. Most Sparkies finish one handbook per year, then work on a handbook review. Following that review, many Sparkies begin and some finish an extra workbook (Frequent Flier). See the Sparks Book Pacing page for detailed information.
Unlike Cubbies and T&T, Sparkies work through their handbook at their own pace according to their ability and parent involvement. Typically, a Sparkie is encouraged to complete 2-3 sections per night. Additionally, Sparkies are required to recite the verse and reference. Sparkies are permitted two prompts per section. (This is NOT two prompts per verse but per section.) The successful memorization of verses is strongly dependent on parent involvement. Sparks are to memorize their verses during the week at home and come to club with the verse already memorized. We typically do not teach the verses at club.
We encourage parents to establish a memory time routine, perhaps at meal time or bed time, or in the car.
One help with verse memory is the CD that Sparks my play and read along with their handbook! This used to be included with the handbook. Awana has moved this to a downloadable resource. See the "Verse to Music" page. Calvary Chapel has converted these downloads to CD's available at the Awana Office. If you pick up one of these CD's, please consider dropping a small donation in the church offering box to offset the cost of the materials used to produce it.
Additionally, a CD with verses set to music may be purchases at the Awana Office! Most Sparkies find this VERY helpful!
Generally, the following pattern of study is used:
1. Option 1 – Finish last year's handbook
2. Option 2 – Move to the next handbook, provided last year's handbook was completed in full
For more information see the Sparks Book Pacing page
SPARKS EARN UNIFORM AWARDS: As the Sparkie progresses through the handbooks, he/she will earn a rank patch and jewel to be added to a wing shaped badge. The handbooks clearly mark the completion of these achievements. Please carefully read the preface and back section of each handbook as it includes valuable information and placement for awards. Lost awards may be replaced by purchasing them at the Awana Office.
ABOUT THE SPARKS VEST: Sparkies wear a Red Vest. It will display the rank patches and wings. Again, review the back of the handbook for award placement. All patches are iron on, however, they often fall off especially with repeat washing and rough handling of the uniform. It is helpful to tack on the patches with a few stitches.
THE ONLY CLUB COST: Books and vests are purchased at the Awana store.
HOW TO STAY INFORMED: Please be sure to pick up an Awana Club Year Calendar. It will contain the dates for Awana meetings, nights we will not meet (holidays), theme nights (optional participation), and various other events. Email will be the primary means of communication; please be sure to include a current email address on your registration form. If you do not receive any emails during the early part of the club year, please sign up on the "Parent Email Sign Up" page.
A WORD ABOUT FOOD IN SPARKS: Sparks do not receive snacks on a regular basis. On the rare occasions that we do serve food, we will avoid nut products and parents will be informed ahead of time. Sparkies may receive treats along with earning awards (patches and jewels) throughout the year. These treats are handed out at the end of club night and the Sparkies are told to ask parent permission before they eat them. Sparks may have opportunity to visit the water fountain if there is a need. If there are any other concerns about food at Sparks, please contact the Sparks director. Please be sure that your clubber comes fed and visits the rest room before drop off.
WHAT DOES A NIGHT AT SPARKS LOOK LIKE? Our Sparks club night is divided into three main 30-minute time slots. For your Sparkie to enjoy the maximum benefit of the club night, drop off will begin at 6:50 pm so that they can promptly begin their activities by 7:00 pm. Drop off is on the second floor in rooms 201-207.
HANDBOOK TIME: During Handbook Time, Sparkies will be expected to sit quietly with their small groups, recite the memorized verses, and, work quietly on coloring or activity pages. There will be time for quiet conversation among the group members as well as with the Handbook Leader. Sparkies will be asked to recite the verses which they have memorized during the week. It is important to work with your Sparkie and plan an appropriate pacing through the handbook(s). Completing 2-3 sections per week will ensure that each Sparkie will complete a handbook each year, and possibly review it as well. Most Sparkies are capable of completing the handbook and review. Sparkies are expected to recite the entire section at one time, with a maximum of two helps/prompts, and include the reference. Parents are highly encouraged to include a post-it note indicating what your Sparkie is prepared to complete each night! Parent (or grandparent) involvement is key to the success of your Sparkie. This is a great opportunity to memorize scripture alongside your children.
GAME TIME: Sparkies will participate in a large group game time. Sparkies should wear appropriate clothing, sneakers, no skirts or dresses, and, comfortable clothes for physical/warm play. During cooler weather Sparkies may prefer to wear layers to remove during games. Game time is played around the Awana Square, aka the Awana Circle. The Sparkies are divided into four color-coded teams and are supervised by a Game Time Line Leader. Game time is active but not designed to be highly competitive. The focus is on fun and team work. We encourage Sparkies to have good sportsmanship and will do our best to help Sparkies who are highly sensitive to not winning. We encourage all clubbers to participate in Game Time. If there are any limitations or concerns for your Sparkie in relation to Game Time, please address these concerns together with the Sparks Director and your Sparkies Handbook Leader.
LESSON TIME: Lesson Time is a large group teaching time. During this time the Sparkies will sit with their leaders. Sparkies will hear Bible lessons taught by various Sparks leaders. This time will also include the Awana Flag Ceremony (American Flag pledge and Awana pledge), prayer time, sometimes singing, announcements, award distribution, etc.
DROP OFF / PICK UP / SECURITY CARDS: Sparks will be picked up in their Drop Off rooms. We will be using the same security card/check in system as Sunday School. Upon arrival to your Drop-Off room, you will receive a coded pick up card. It will be color coded by room. The number in the top right corner will include the room number and card number. You must bring back this card in order to pick up your child. If you intend to have someone other than the Drop-Off parent pick up the child, please ensure this person has the security card at pick up time. Please note the number on the card, as this will be displayed on the sanctuary screen if we need to call a parent back to club. Note, this number will change from week to week. You will not be assigned a specific number. If there is a need to contact a parent during club, and you are not in the sanctuary, we will use the phone numbers provided on the registration form. If you will not be at church, please provide a cell phone number for emergency contact reasons.
FINAL REMINDERS: Please bring your Sparkies to club fully fed. Also, please stop by the bathroom before bringing your Sparkie into club. Also, a quick stop at the water fountain would be appreciated too! We don’t have lots of extra time to tend to these needs during the first part of the club night.
We hope that this letter has answered some of your questions. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for giving us the privilege of nurturing your Sparkies in the love and knowledge of Jesus.
This page will address topics like handbook, uniforms, calendars, nightly actives, drop off and pick up, and miscellaneous expectations, among other things.
Parents – you are the most important spiritual influence in your children’s lives. You are the ones responsible for their spiritual training. As Awana leaders, we are privileged to come along side and help train your children in the way they should go. Please review this information and the information in your children’s handbooks. We are counting on your help as you invest your time in the spiritual development of your children when you work through their handbooks with them.
WHAT IS SPARKS? Sparks is a three year club for all students in kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. Our Sparkies are divided into many hand book groups. Each group of about 5-7 Sparkies is led by a handbook group leader. This leader will accompany his or her Sparkies throughout the nightly activities. He or she will be the most knowledgeable person with reference to your Sparkie’s progress through the handbooks.
TELL ME ABOUT THE HANDBOOKS: Sparkies will work through three primary handbooks during the three-year progression through this club. Sparks books are to be completed in order. Books may not be skipped. Most Sparkies finish one handbook per year, then work on a handbook review. Following that review, many Sparkies begin and some finish an extra workbook (Frequent Flier). See the Sparks Book Pacing page for detailed information.
Unlike Cubbies and T&T, Sparkies work through their handbook at their own pace according to their ability and parent involvement. Typically, a Sparkie is encouraged to complete 2-3 sections per night. Additionally, Sparkies are required to recite the verse and reference. Sparkies are permitted two prompts per section. (This is NOT two prompts per verse but per section.) The successful memorization of verses is strongly dependent on parent involvement. Sparks are to memorize their verses during the week at home and come to club with the verse already memorized. We typically do not teach the verses at club.
We encourage parents to establish a memory time routine, perhaps at meal time or bed time, or in the car.
One help with verse memory is the CD that Sparks my play and read along with their handbook! This used to be included with the handbook. Awana has moved this to a downloadable resource. See the "Verse to Music" page. Calvary Chapel has converted these downloads to CD's available at the Awana Office. If you pick up one of these CD's, please consider dropping a small donation in the church offering box to offset the cost of the materials used to produce it.
Additionally, a CD with verses set to music may be purchases at the Awana Office! Most Sparkies find this VERY helpful!
Generally, the following pattern of study is used:
- Complete Flight 3:16 Booklet
- Complete the Handbook
- Review the Handbook
- Option 1 – review using the Handbook
- Option 2 – purchase a Frequent Flier Handbook (FFH), book review is the first section followed by additional activities
- Purchase and complete Frequent Flier Handbook
- Option 1 – skip first section of FFH if primary Handbook review is completed
- Option 2 – complete entire FFH if review is not completed using the primary handbook
1. Option 1 – Finish last year's handbook
2. Option 2 – Move to the next handbook, provided last year's handbook was completed in full
For more information see the Sparks Book Pacing page
SPARKS EARN UNIFORM AWARDS: As the Sparkie progresses through the handbooks, he/she will earn a rank patch and jewel to be added to a wing shaped badge. The handbooks clearly mark the completion of these achievements. Please carefully read the preface and back section of each handbook as it includes valuable information and placement for awards. Lost awards may be replaced by purchasing them at the Awana Office.
ABOUT THE SPARKS VEST: Sparkies wear a Red Vest. It will display the rank patches and wings. Again, review the back of the handbook for award placement. All patches are iron on, however, they often fall off especially with repeat washing and rough handling of the uniform. It is helpful to tack on the patches with a few stitches.
THE ONLY CLUB COST: Books and vests are purchased at the Awana store.
HOW TO STAY INFORMED: Please be sure to pick up an Awana Club Year Calendar. It will contain the dates for Awana meetings, nights we will not meet (holidays), theme nights (optional participation), and various other events. Email will be the primary means of communication; please be sure to include a current email address on your registration form. If you do not receive any emails during the early part of the club year, please sign up on the "Parent Email Sign Up" page.
A WORD ABOUT FOOD IN SPARKS: Sparks do not receive snacks on a regular basis. On the rare occasions that we do serve food, we will avoid nut products and parents will be informed ahead of time. Sparkies may receive treats along with earning awards (patches and jewels) throughout the year. These treats are handed out at the end of club night and the Sparkies are told to ask parent permission before they eat them. Sparks may have opportunity to visit the water fountain if there is a need. If there are any other concerns about food at Sparks, please contact the Sparks director. Please be sure that your clubber comes fed and visits the rest room before drop off.
WHAT DOES A NIGHT AT SPARKS LOOK LIKE? Our Sparks club night is divided into three main 30-minute time slots. For your Sparkie to enjoy the maximum benefit of the club night, drop off will begin at 6:50 pm so that they can promptly begin their activities by 7:00 pm. Drop off is on the second floor in rooms 201-207.
HANDBOOK TIME: During Handbook Time, Sparkies will be expected to sit quietly with their small groups, recite the memorized verses, and, work quietly on coloring or activity pages. There will be time for quiet conversation among the group members as well as with the Handbook Leader. Sparkies will be asked to recite the verses which they have memorized during the week. It is important to work with your Sparkie and plan an appropriate pacing through the handbook(s). Completing 2-3 sections per week will ensure that each Sparkie will complete a handbook each year, and possibly review it as well. Most Sparkies are capable of completing the handbook and review. Sparkies are expected to recite the entire section at one time, with a maximum of two helps/prompts, and include the reference. Parents are highly encouraged to include a post-it note indicating what your Sparkie is prepared to complete each night! Parent (or grandparent) involvement is key to the success of your Sparkie. This is a great opportunity to memorize scripture alongside your children.
GAME TIME: Sparkies will participate in a large group game time. Sparkies should wear appropriate clothing, sneakers, no skirts or dresses, and, comfortable clothes for physical/warm play. During cooler weather Sparkies may prefer to wear layers to remove during games. Game time is played around the Awana Square, aka the Awana Circle. The Sparkies are divided into four color-coded teams and are supervised by a Game Time Line Leader. Game time is active but not designed to be highly competitive. The focus is on fun and team work. We encourage Sparkies to have good sportsmanship and will do our best to help Sparkies who are highly sensitive to not winning. We encourage all clubbers to participate in Game Time. If there are any limitations or concerns for your Sparkie in relation to Game Time, please address these concerns together with the Sparks Director and your Sparkies Handbook Leader.
LESSON TIME: Lesson Time is a large group teaching time. During this time the Sparkies will sit with their leaders. Sparkies will hear Bible lessons taught by various Sparks leaders. This time will also include the Awana Flag Ceremony (American Flag pledge and Awana pledge), prayer time, sometimes singing, announcements, award distribution, etc.
DROP OFF / PICK UP / SECURITY CARDS: Sparks will be picked up in their Drop Off rooms. We will be using the same security card/check in system as Sunday School. Upon arrival to your Drop-Off room, you will receive a coded pick up card. It will be color coded by room. The number in the top right corner will include the room number and card number. You must bring back this card in order to pick up your child. If you intend to have someone other than the Drop-Off parent pick up the child, please ensure this person has the security card at pick up time. Please note the number on the card, as this will be displayed on the sanctuary screen if we need to call a parent back to club. Note, this number will change from week to week. You will not be assigned a specific number. If there is a need to contact a parent during club, and you are not in the sanctuary, we will use the phone numbers provided on the registration form. If you will not be at church, please provide a cell phone number for emergency contact reasons.
FINAL REMINDERS: Please bring your Sparkies to club fully fed. Also, please stop by the bathroom before bringing your Sparkie into club. Also, a quick stop at the water fountain would be appreciated too! We don’t have lots of extra time to tend to these needs during the first part of the club night.
We hope that this letter has answered some of your questions. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for giving us the privilege of nurturing your Sparkies in the love and knowledge of Jesus.